Stamtavle (Pedigree) for: Northworth A True Ashgrove  Født (born):
Far (Sire):
Raccoons Quite A Bomb
Yolandas Spokesman
Westerner Silver Lining
Mossdew Starry Night
Westerner Light Music
Greentree Tainted Love
Greentree Applejack
Travis Forbidden Fruit
Raccoons Believe in Me
Travis Sno Joke
Deewell Senator
Wildfire Drincci
Wildfire Herrbertti
Wildfire Rancci
Mor (Dame):
Ashgrove Captivating
Kedgwick Kaptivator
Daisymeads Dynasty
Olde Spice Crusader
Daisymead's Blue Velvet
Kedgwick Slick Chick
Successor Of Sorts
Kedgwick Peppermint Patti
Ashgrove Down Under
Dickens Professor Piper
Kedgwick Kaptivator
Dickens Kate Nickleby
Ashgrove Amanda
Maesgwyn Glad Rags
Ashgrove Liberty Belle

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