Stamtavle (Pedigree) for: Tashann Thunderstorm  Født (born):
Far (Sire):
Spinneyhill Stormy Weather over Fornesse
Lynwater Bouncer Of Spinneyhill
Lynwater Outward Bound
Lynwater Ruststone
Lynwater Second Time Around
Tell Tale Of Lynwater
Lynwater Final Secret
Kathand Dannys Darling
Spinneyhill Sense Of Rythm
Lindridge Salute
Starchoice Of Lindridge
Lindridge Gipsy Girl
Spinneyhill Simone
Cilleine Echelon
Spinneyhill My Sarah
Mor (Dame):
Tashann Tamasin
Caron Carbo Booster
Coltrim Cincinnati
Coltrim Mississipi Gambler
Lochdene Lavender Blue Of Coltrim
Courtmaster Jenny Wren

Tashann First Addition

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