Stamtavle (Pedigree) for: Terriles Tapestry  Født (born): 1995
Far (Sire):
Lindridge Flash Harry
Starchoice Of Lindridge
Dearnewood Star Venture

Lindridge Highland Lass

Lindridge Gipsy Girl
Styvechale Storm Cloud

Lindridge Silver Charm

Mor (Dame):
Terriles Tessa
Caron Carbo Booster
Coltrim Cincinnati
Coltrim Mississipi Gambler
Lochdene Lavender Blue Of Coltrim
Courtmaster Jenny Wren

Terriles Taffeta
Cilleine Echelon
Hightrees Sweet Talk Of Lochranza
Styvechale Stardew Of Cilleine
Terriles Trousseau

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