Stamtavle (Pedigree) for: Travis Fools Cap  Født (born):
Far (Sire):
Travis Smile A While
Lochdene Copper Kettle
Lochdene Cornelius

Lochdene Sylphide

Travis Billie Jean
Leavenworth Its A Pleasure

Travis Wishing Star

Mor (Dame):
Travis Fools Game
Travis Tribute to Helenwood
Deewell Senator
Serenader Of Styvechale
Beture Belle Reverie Of Deewell
Celeste Of Helenwood
Claytoner Blue Peter
Claytoner Mary Loo
Travis Foolish Pleasure
Leavenworth It S A Pleasure
Leavenworth Lucky Strike
Leavenworth Secret Kisses
Travis Maid to Measure
Leavenworth Its A Pleasure
Travis Spot On

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