Stamtavle (Pedigree) for: Travis Vital Spark  Født (born): 1996
Far (Sire):
Tomboys Tailor Made
Tomboys Try to Night
Travis Tribute to Helenwood
Deewell Senator
Celeste Of Helenwood
Tomboys Just For You
Mossdew Starry Night
Tomboys Jacqueline
Tomboys Brown Betty Boop
Parisade Chocolate Sonnet
Parisade Norton
Parisade Coney
Watchword Of Weirdene
Bright Morning Of Weirdene
Mor (Dame):
Travis Neon Light
Leavenworth It S A Pleasure
Leavenworth Lucky Strike
Astrawin Apollo
Leavenworth Partypiece
Leavenworth Secret Kisses
Bidston Solomon
Leavenworth Butter Kiss
Travis Fools Game
Travis Tribute to Helenwood
Deewell Senator
Celeste Of Helenwood
Travis Foolish Pleasure
Leavenworth It S A Pleasure
Travis Maid to Measure

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