Stamtavle (Pedigree) for: Manacas Each and Every Day  Født (born): 2006
Far (Sire):
Almanza Hit the Road Jack
Manacas On the Road
Midnight Train Von Rauhen Holz
Stocdale Dragons Sonata
Blue Pearl vom Rauhen Holz
Manacas In Your Dream
Manacas Yours Sincerely
Manacas Alice in Chains
Whoops A Daisy
Kinvale Sunseeker
Lynwater Rising Sun
Lynwater Almond
Afterglow Blue Pearl
Afterglow Duane Dibbley
Jarrovian Clovers Sweet
Mor (Dame):
Manacas Main Attraction
Stocdale American Prayer
Lynwater Tiger Moth
Harris Of Lynwater
Lynwater Mayflay
Lara De Campollano
Stocdale Make Dreams
Trocaderos Misty Blues
Manacas Alice in Chains
Stocdale American Prayer
Lynwater Tiger Moth
Lara De Campollano
Manacas Chain Reaction
Carillo Chubby Checker
Northworth Leisure Maid

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